Travis Kelce Makes a Splash at Cincinnati Graduation Ceremony with Beer Chugging and Wild ‘New Heights’ Live Show

Jason and Travis Kelce brought their “New Heights” podcast to… new heights… on Thursday night.

In front of a raucous crowd inside Fifth Third Arena on the campus of the University of Cincinnati, the Kelce brothers hosted a start-studded live edition of their podcast that included the likes of Bengals quarterback Joe Burrow and fellow members of the Kelce clan.

Football’s most famous brothers were even given a surprise graduation ceremony at the brothers’ alma mater.

“Travis and I are both incredibly honored and it’s crazy that we’re being put in positions to stuff like this,” Jason told reporters before the live podcast event. “But anytime we come back there’s such a way of emotion and memories that really hit you, especially walking into this room. You spend so much time here and as a student-athlete, you’re invested into the football program, the university.

“You’re here non-stop and it’s such a big part of anybody’s career or life that whenever you come back it definitely hits you full force.”

No better moment symbolized Jason and Travis’ love of the university than when the two were given their diplomas, making the younger Kelce brother emotional.

Travis, who finished his coursework in 2022 to earn his bachelor’s degree, accepted his while the Beastie Boys’ hit song “Fight For Your Right” blared in the background, and he then chugged the beer had been holding — much to the delight of the crowd.

The university had expected 12,500 people for Thursday’s podcast event, and students were let out of class early, Fox 19 reported.

Travis Kelce played his college ball at Cincinnati.Travis Kelce played his college ball at Cincinnati. Getty Images
Travis Kelce was amped up during the introductions.Travis Kelce was amped up during the introductions. New Heights/X
Jason Kelce was fired up, too.Jason Kelce was fired up, too. New Heights/X

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