Travis Kelce Reveals Secret Story – Taylor Swift’s Influence on Third Date

Travis Kelce’s saucy sex revelations include his Taylor Swift connection, third date romps, and an oral sex admission.

Taylor Swift, Travis Kelce fans spot pair's secret, intimate moment on date  night

There’s a lot to dissect about the enigma that is Travis Kelce. Widely considered as one of the greatest tight ends in NFL history, the 34-year-old is at the top of his game and is also scoring big in his personal life with pop sensation Taylor Swift by his side.

The ‘1989’ singer has a devoted fan base like no other, who have delved deep into Kelce’s life after learning he was dating the Philadelphia native. An open book, the Kansas City Chiefs star seemingly has nothing to hide from his past, which includes being the star of his own reality dating show called ‘Catching Kelce’.

In addition to the show, Kelce’s confessions about the intimate details of his life are there for all to see, with some of those admissions likely to shock Swifties.

Daily Star Sport takes a journey through the racy revelations made by the two-time Super Bowl champion.

Taylor Swift has been to several Kansas City Chiefs games to watch Travis Kelce
The pair have been loved up for a couple of months (Image: GC Images)

Secret ‘sex’ signal to Taylor Swift

Since confirming his relationship with Swift, Kelce’s popularity has skyrocketed even further, especially after photos of him and the singer on dates surfaced online. The couple made headlines last month with their hand-holding during the NFL star’s guest appearance on the late-night TV show, Saturday Night Live.

One particular snap of the pair showed Kelce appearing to be “tickling” the hitmaker’s hand which according to body language expert Judi James was a “flirty, sexual signal” as she told The Mirror.

Getting frisky by the third date

He was the star of reality dating show 'Catching Kelce'
The NFL star was reluctant to say that bonking on the third date wasn’t a deal-breaker (Image: Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen)

During a 2016 stint on Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen, Kelce was chatting about his then-new reality dating show when he got grilled by telly star Ramona Singer about what would put him off in a relationship.

She quizzed him on whether he’d stick with “a girl who won’t sleep with you after the third date,” and Kelce replied: “The third date? I feel like that’s the breaker right there. Three dates, that’s like a while… I don’t wanna say a deal-breaker, but it puts some questions in the air.”

Kelce spills on bedroom antics

Travis Kelce's sex confessions has become something of note since his romance with pop legend Taylor Swift
Kelce and Swift may be the most famous couple in the world (Image: Getty Images)

His chat with Andy Cohen turned heads as Kelce dished out a cheeky confession about his ultimate no-no in a relationship, which is if a lass doesn’t fancy giving oral sex.

When probed if that would be a deal-breaker, he cheekily confessed: “Ah… sounds like a dear old deal-breaker to me,” as Singer chimed in: “Well, as long as you get it” prompting giggles from the crowd while Kelce kept schtum.

Spilling the beans on losing his V-card

Kelce recently turned 34 years old
He said he was only 14 when he lost his virginity (Image: AP)

The 34-year-old certainly doesn’t shy away from discussing his personal life, and he candidly spoke about when he first had sex. During a promotion for ‘Catching Kelce’, he was questioned about when he lost his virginity, to which he shockingly responded: “Fourteen – mommy didn’t hear that”.

Taylor Swift & Travis Kelce Pack on PDA While Swimming In the Bahamas

No doubt Donna Kelce must have given him a talking-to at the time, while Taylor Swift’s die-hard fans would have most likely found this revelation during their extensive investigation since he began dating the pop icon.

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