Jason Kelce’s Super Bowl Ring Lost in Chili Pool Mishap During Live Podcast: An Unforgettable Blunder

It’s all fun and games until Super Bowl bling gets lost in a pool full of chili.

That’s apparently what happened to newly retired Eagles center Jason Kelce, who lost his Super Bowl ring during the live “New Heights” show in Cincinnati last week, where one of the events involved students securing a sock with championship-esque accessories — along with the actual ring — in two vats filled with chili, spaghetti and cheese.

“There was an unfortunate-ness, as you guys know, this game existed because I continuously lose my Super Bowl ring, and I don’t even know if Travis still knows this, but I legitimately lost my Super Bowl ring in this event,” Jason said on Wednesday’s installment of the “New Heights” podcast he co-hosts with his brother, Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce.

Jason Kelce and Travis Kelce on the “New Heights” podcast. New Heights/YouTube

“They could not find it… All of this stuff has been thrown away so I think we can safely assume my Super Bowl ring is now in a landfill someplace in the Cincinnati-tristate area. I didn’t think that would happen.”

Jason, 36, won his lone Super Bowl with the Eagles in 2018 after defeating the Patriots, 41-33.

Travis, who is coming off his third championship with the Chiefs, didn’t mince words about his big brother.

“You’re such a f–king imbecile,” the 34-year-old tight end said.

Though attempts to find the ring went unfounded — a metal detector was brought in at one point — Jason theorized how the Super Bowl ring was lost.

The messy scene from the “New Heights” Lombaby Games. New Heights/X

“The only thing I can think of is at some point, the sock got kicked out of the three-way and it made its way out of the pool and that it was thrown away in some shape or form,” the seven-time Pro Bowler said.

“But yes, the Super Bowl ring is officially gone.”

The messy shenanigans took place during the Lombaby Games, an Olympic-style event in which students faced off against one another.

The “New Heights” team attempted to locate Jason’s Super Bowl ring the following day. YouTube/New Heights

Jason explained earlier on Wednesday’s show that within the chili concoction “were socks with some make-believe rings and then there was actually only one real ring,” his.

According to Jason, an insurance claim has since been put in.

“I think the insurance company might have some things to say about whether they’re going to cover that,” Jason said.

“Yeah, 100 percent,” Travis replied, “especially if you’re telling the entire world how you lost it.”

Jason Kelce celebrates the Eagles’ Super Bowl win over the Patriots in February 2018. Getty Images

Though Jason appears to have come to terms with the loss, he pondered if a new one could be made.

“Somebody at some point messed with my Super Bowl ring, which I’m fine with, I mean, it’s just a hunk of metal and I’ll just have another one made, I think? They can do that right?” he asked Travis, to which the tight end replied, “I don’t know, Jason.”

“Guess we’re going to find out,” Jason said.

Before moving on to a different segment of the podcast, Travis offered sound advice to listeners at home.

“Do not do what Jason’s doing,” the All-Pro tight end said.

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